Saturday, February 28, 2009
Money... Money.... Money....
When you think about your life, does money related issues count? When you go outside: meet odd people, talk to your friends, relatives or even your loved ones, do their lives were getting troubled by money, or roughly money related? What do you never have at all sufficiently and are always worried about? -It's the fucking "Money". In line with this matter, we are allured by the realm of monstrous prosperity.
In fact, many filipino ladies risk their lives just to have money and survive from the hometown where they existed and endured poverty. In what term? "Sluts" - I know it's an offensive term because they were the one who charges for engaging in sexual activities.
I don't want to be mean or what, but my boyfriend's father has lots of woman. Fuck! This is a long story, however, I'm not going to tell it.. Just the main issue.. lol. Ok. Here's the twist. His father's woman (Girl A) has a sister (Girl B), then, that girl B became also his father wifey. Now, they are not really sister by blood, they just used to it and act so that they can block my boyfriend's father since he's a multimillonaire. @_@ WTF! This fucking story is very confusing... To sum up this issue.. Money.
Bum street addicts ends up behind bars because of errants. Sordid politics that corrupts taxes. Ruined familes because of financial problems. Those rich hatchets pays Justice just to strip peace. Traitors who were tempted by assets. It's endless.
And so.. Money would always exist as our impish problem -- EVER.
Paintings at Robinsons Midtown Ermita, Manila
Fortunately, there is a Painting Exhibit and so, we took a sight on it.
It was the 2009 Philippine International Visual Arts Fest: Feasting on a Diversity of Styles.
Here's the shot of stunning paintings by talented artists (talented?) How would they become an artist if they don't have the talent. lol.
Credits to: Yannie's Camera. XD
For more Photos, Kindly Link here:
Sex is Zero: Movie Review
Category: | Movies |
Genre: | Romantic Comedy |
At the first place, when you heard about the title of the movie with a word "SEX", you'll think about x-Rated scenes. Yes, it has an explicit content but then, just a short set. lol.
The video is available at Crunchyroll but then, it was removed by the owner and and he redirected it into a movie pay site coz there are lots of people watching the said video.. (Money) lol.Anyways, I forgot the redirected link.. but don't worry! You can now watch it at YouTube. However, it was divided into10 parts, 10 minutes each.
So, I got the Link:
Part (1/10):
Part (2/10):
Part (3/10):
Part (4/10): Missing
Part (5/10):
Part (6/10):
Part (7/10):
Part (8/10):
Part (9/10):
Part (10/10):
The funniest part is that the Racumin and Sperm Cell sandwich was eaten by the jinxy protagonist. Whenever his classmates were stumbling somebody, he is always the victim itself. How was that?
And the saddest part, for the sake of his love.. He is the one who took the responisbility of the lazy guy who made the girl pregnant.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A movie review by Carl Lyon, a Senior Staff Writer
Contrary to what John Hughes or Adam Herz might have you think, love is not easy. You can't futz around for 75-odd minutes only to redeem yourself in act three with a desperate act of hangdog nobility to win the girl and graduate high school just as the end credits roll. No frigging way. Love is earned in blood, tears, pain, and sacrifice. It can be soft and gentle, but sometimes it truly, deeply sucks.
Which brings me to Je-Gyun Yun's Sex is Zero, which shows that last sentiment better than anything else. In one truly surreal scene in the film Eun-shik (played by Chang Jung Lim, who sports a droopy eyed mope that would make John Cusack jealous) cares for his beloved Eun-hyo (Ji-Won Ha) who has just had an abortion. He cooks her soup, he washes her face and hands with a hot cloth, and he entertains her with martial arts, seriously. Proving to her the strength of his resolve and his body by strict martial arts training, Eun-shik splinters planks over his head, smothers himself in plastic wrap, and shatters bottles to the strains of “If” by Bread. You know, “If a picture's worth a thousand words/Then why can't I paint you?” That's right, the song that they probably played at your parents' wedding (if you're my age, that is) is essentially the main “love theme” for a Korean teen sex comedy. Weird.
Back on track, though, Eun-shik's consistent selfless sacrifice for Eun-hyo is often painful to watch, especially during Sex is Zero's more dramatic bits. During these more serious parts, some traces of slight humor are sprinkled in to soften the blow. In one exceptionally uncomfortable scene, whereas Eun-shik has to pretend to be the father of Eun-hyo's unwanted child so she can get an abortion, he is grilled by the stone-faced doctor who tells him about the dangers of unprotected sex, while the strawberry jam he put in his hair (don't ask) attracts a swarm of hungry flies. Trust me, these scenes need some motes of humor, as I can't remember the time I've seen drama this powerful and harrowing. Many of the scenes during the third act had me on the verge of tears (or in a few cases, truly blubbering like an idiot) with just how bleak they were.
However, had this movie kept this tone throughout, I'd probably have hung myself afterwards. Fortunately, and quite oddly, the previous hour of the movie is pure sex-charged silliness. Even as Eun-shik desperately pursues Eun-hyo, only to lose her to campus dreamboat Sang-Ok, his fellow martial artists are trying themselves to get into the Danskins of Eun-hyo's beautiful aerobics classmates. Their attempts at wooing these girls lead to accidental anal sex, rubber faced pop singer impersonations, vomit soaked make out sessions (in which the actress involved genuinely pukes up water and ramen), and so on. It's humor of the most American, basest variety, which throws you off when you're not expecting it, especially when the Koreans do it so much better than all the films America's churned out in this genre. Jokes are taken to weird extremes, which work well for the movie: it's not enough that one of Eun-shik's roommates jerks off into a skillet to prove to a friend that semen is only a few steps removed from egg whites, they have to fry it up and put it on a sandwich with some rat poison in order to kill some vermin in their dorm. Of course, Eun-shik has to ask about the sandwich (to which his roommate hilariously replies, “My child's in there.”), eat it, and be sent to the hospital for stomach pumping. The cherry on this sundae of gross-out silliness? His beloved Eun-hyo discusses his “suicide attempt” with her friends, who reveal that he had semen pumped out of his belly. The hospital visits become a running joke for poor Eun-shik, usually accompanied by ridiculous x-rays of his genitals and threats of amputation.
But despite this overbearing silliness in the first two thirds, followed by the almost unbearably somber tone of the third act, Sex is Zero is wholly satisfying for the fact that its characters grow throughout the film and we genuinely like them. Even though he is put through an emotional shit-storm, Eun-shik stands by Eun-hyo, who over the course of the film realizes what true love really is. She doesn't discover it through that aforementioned climactic act of nobility: there are no boomboxes held aloft, or trombone-flute duets here, just the genuine, persistent love of a good man. It's really quite touching in that it's completely over-the-top (Eun-shik's martial arts demo for Eun-hyo had my heart rolling over in my chest) yet strangely believable in how passionate he is.
Speaking of passionate, Panik House has proven themselves to be passionate about the presentation of their films...yeah, it's a lame segue, but stick with me here! Picture quality for the non-anamorphic print is rock-solid, with deep blacks and bold colors, and no noticeable damage or grain. Audio is in the original Korean, with clear dialogue and crisp music. Now let's talk extras, because that's where Panik House is really setting themselves apart from the pack. For one, they offer two commentaries: one in English with Mike McPadden and Mr. Skin of Howard Stern fame, and one en espanol with Jesus “El Pelos” Olvera. Basically, they are one of the first American companies I've encountered that offer just as much content for the Spanish-speaking customer as they do for the English speakers. Every trailer, bio, documentary, and featurette feature Spanish subtitles as well as English...very impressive! Even the glossy essay booklet penned by the aforementioned Mike McPadden that's tucked in the front cover can be flipped for a Spanish version. Hell, they even give us a sticker! Yay!
For those of you with a John Hughes-shaped hole in your heart (that wasn't filled with hate after steaming piles like Curly Sue), you would do good to pick up Sex is Zero. It manages to out-do even Hughes at his own game by showing us what love is as opposed to telling us. It's hilarious, powerful, silly, and bittersweet all at the same time. Be prepared for an emotional roller coaster the likes of which you haven't felt since puberty!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Skydiving - Kokology
Take Note: Before reading the questions PLEASE DO NOT CHEAT. DO NOT Read the KEY to Sky Diving. Be Honest with your answers. Have fun!
1. You have decided to try skydiving and are getting ready to make your first jump. You watch other skydivers free-falling through the air as you stand on the ground waiting your turn. What is going through your mind?
2. Your turn arrives and you ready yourself as the plane climbs to 10,000 feet. Without looking back, you stand at the open doorway and step out into space. What do you scream on your way down?
3. You've landed safely and are hauling in your chute when you see an instructor approaching and calling out to you. What is the instructor saying?
Ok. Here's the key of your answers.
Key to Skydiving
1. The way you felt as you waited your turn provides a measure of your own level of sexual desire.
Sometimes it feels just right. "This is gonna be fun. I can't wait!"
If you're not sure you're ready, maybe you should just have a deep conversation and cuddle by the fire. "I don’t know if I can go through with this."
2. The words you shouted on your way down are what you would say at the peak of excitement.
"Wow, look at this view!" You may not mind the intrusion on your privacy, but you'd better ask your partner first.
"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all." There is such a thing as a point of no return.
"I want my mommy!" Um, lets just say you have some deep psychological issues to work out and leave it at that.
3. The words the instructor said to you are what you imagine your partner saying after sex.
"Not bad for a beginner! Don't worry, you'll get better with practice."
"Oh, I'm really sorry, I left the lens cap on the camera. Do you want to go again?"
"Well, I guess that about does it. Now, will that be cash, check or charge?"
However, on my part. Here's my crazy answers:
1. I feel nervous. Soon to pee on my pants.
2. It seems that I'm coming out (referring to my pee) "It's coming outttt!!!!!"
3. "You're so cute."
Dang! >_> Whattananswer. lol.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Supah Megah LOTTO!!!
Also, when I was about to ride a car going to SM Fairview (coz I'll be visiting my boify to their house) at Masagana, a young student wearing all white uniform from other school called me and asked me if I still remember her. And oh!! It was my fellow CAT Officer in High School. Dang! I asked her where she was studying, and she's taking up BS Nursing at Lyceum. She also said that she just went here in Masagana to bet at lotto. Just hoping to win but it's impossible. Who knows? If not, it's also a help in charity. lol.
However, on that day, I saw many people fluttering at lotto.. Woooaahh! I was thinking if I'll try my luck but then, I have thought that it's impossible. lol. I don't expect too much. People are dreaming to be an instant multi-millionaire. Those who fall in line at Lotto Booth has a strong imagination and determined for they have the chance to win. Gambling.. Gambling... Nobody cares if they win or loose as long as they were happy on what they were doing and have a faith on every digits they draw... How was that? But I'm not a gambler. that's the good part of me. Hahahaha!
And so, Last night, while I was playing ZX Online, one of my guildmates said that there are already 2 lucky winners of P397-M supah dupah megah Jackpot Lotto. Here's the article:
By Nancy C. Carvajal Philippine Daily Inquirer First Posted 19:02:00 02/22/2009
Filed Under: Casinos & Gambling, Gaming & Lotteries
MANILA, Philippines— (UPDATE 3) Two bettors from Luzon won on Sunday night the P347.8-million jackpot for the 6/49 SuperLotto, the biggest prize since online gaming was launched in the country in 1995, according to the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO).
After 21 draws, two bettors finally picked the winning combination: 6-12-20-26-33-34.
Because no one won the prize before Sunday night’s draw, a number of bettors suggested that the prize be divided into several draws.
“We cannot divide the pot because it will be a violation of the rules of the PCSO,” said PCSO spokesperson Larry Cedro.
Cedro said the PCSO wished many would pick the winning combination so there would be more than just one winner.
The agency said that sales between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Sunday reached P9 million.
“The sales in just four hours were a record and are still picking up. Reports from the ground said the influx (of bettors) was expected to continue until 8:30 in the evening (the closing time),” Cedro said.
By 8:30 p.m., the pot had risen to P347.8 million.
The PCSO has advised lotto patrons to place their bets early to avoid long queues.
Only Filipinos 18 years old and above are allowed to place bets.
“To make at least half of [the 50 million voters registered with the Commission on Elections] play lotto would be good for the PCSO and its charity projects,” Cedro said.
No one was able to correctly guess the six-number combination of 35-01-42-36-41-22 on Thursday, when the cash prize was P288,146,473.20.
The jackpot on Feb. 19 exceeded last year’s record pot of more than P249 million, which was won by a construction worker from Novaliches, Quezon City, in April 2008.
No ceiling
“As long as there’s no winner, the pot will increase depending on the sales,” Cedro said.
Despite the increased sales, the agency has not run out of bet slips and thermal paper.
“We have sufficient supply of materials for the bets and there’s no need to print more,” he said.
The lotto bug has bitten the rich or famous, like businessman Willie Fernandez, art collector and dealer Louie Cruz, and Navotas City Mayor Toby Tiangco.
“I never liked gambling, and I consider lotto one because it’s a game of chance. But if I win, I will donate my winnings to charity and sponsor scholarship programs for deserving but poor students to go to reputable schools,” Fernandez said.
Fernandez, who is engaged in various business ventures, lives in upscale Ayala Alabang Village in Muntinlupa City and holds office in his own three-story building in Makati City.
“Since I was based in Germany, I already placed bets on lotto, and that continued when I moved here several years ago,” Cruz said.
He said that in all the years he was betting, he only won several hundred pesos.
“I usually guess three numbers correctly and I don’t repeat winning numbers,” the art dealer said.
Tiangco told the Philippine Daily Inquirer that the huge pot was attracting even non-bettors.
“I don’t place bets in lotto, but when the pot breached the P100-million mark and was increasing, it made me think and attracted me to bet,” the mayor said.
Asked what he would do with his millions should he win, Tiangco said: “What to do with the prize is not a problem, but winning is.”
For Alexander Portugal, 23, a restaurant owner in Mandaluyong City, the jackpot is an inspiration of sorts.
“I know it’s an impossible dream to win the jackpot, but I still bet because it inspires me that someday, I will be rich,” Portugal said.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Intel Philippines Closing its Doors in Mid 2009, What Happens Next?
As the global economic crunch continues, American company Intel Corporation: the world’s top chip maker, the largest semiconductor company and inventor of the x86 series of microprocessors (the processors found in most personal computers), proves that even they are not impervious to the deep recession its own country is going through; that they are capable of being hit and injured strong as they are just like any struggling small business players.
By the second quarter of this year, Intel will close its doors to the Philippines after 12 years of operation in its Cavite Plant and 34 years of doing business in its Makati City operations. By the end of 2009, it would have also closed two existing assembly test facilities in Penang, Malaysia, halt production at an older 200mm wafer fabrication facility in Hillsboro, Oregon (USA) and end wafer production operations right at the D2 facility in Silicon Valley, Santa Clara, California (USA).
This huge announcement was made the day after Barack Obama was sworn into office as the new President of the United States.
Intel Technology Philippines, Inc. (ITPI) the local subsidiary of Intel Corporation, is Intel’s second offshore assembly operations center in Asia, and the first American multinational and semiconductor company in the Philippines.
Currently, there are 41 private-owned and 4 government owned economic zones in the Philippines. The biggest exporter is the private-owned Gateway Business Park in General Trias, Cavite where the Intel plant is situated. Intel Philippines is considered the preeminent high volume assembly/test site of Intel and the Cavite site is counted among the prime movers in the Philippine electronics and semiconductors industry. To date, total investments in the Philippines is USD 1.51 billion.
According to the latest September 2008 list from the Philippine Economic Zone Authority, 345 enterprises engaged in the manufacture of Electronics and semiconductor products are registered with them. Here’s 20 of the popular companies (including Intel) with their dates of registration and who owns them:
Which of these companies will fold next? The Intel plant shutdown is a devastating blow to the Philippines and makes one wonder who is next down the line? About 3,000 employees will lose their jobs and thousands more indirect jobs will be affected in allied services and industries when Intel Philippines cease to exist. What happens next? Will there be a domino effect in companies with factories and offices in the various Philippine special economic zones?
The impact of this enormous loss will surely be felt in years and years to come. It will be hard to recover. But we will… eventually. Once the global economic slump is over, we will. The world economy is already at its worst. How worse could worst go right? When you’re down and down, there’s no place else to go but up and up!! Am I delusional for keeping faith in how my country the Philippines will fare amidst the economic downturn? I wouldn’t like to believe so. Yet I am still not over the fact that the Philippines continue to rely majorly on its biggest export- its human resources as a way out of bad governance! That’s another story…
Note: I just reposted this one here on my blog coz Intel became a part of my life and career - Original Article was written by dmeemai on January 23, 2009 – 4:26 am
Money... Money.... Money....
When you think about your life, does money related issues count? When you go outside: meet odd people, talk to your friends, relatives or even your loved ones, do their lives were getting troubled by money, or roughly money related? What do you never have at all sufficiently and are always worried about? -It's the fucking "Money". In line with this matter, we are allured by the realm of monstrous prosperity.
In fact, many filipino ladies risk their lives just to have money and survive from the hometown where they existed and endured poverty. In what term? "Sluts" - I know it's an offensive term because they were the one who charges for engaging in sexual activities.
I don't want to be mean or what, but my boyfriend's father has lots of woman. Fuck! This is a long story, however, I'm not going to tell it.. Just the main issue.. lol. Ok. Here's the twist. His father's woman (Girl A) has a sister (Girl B), then, that girl B became also his father wifey. Now, they are not really sister by blood, they just used to it and act so that they can block my boyfriend's father sins he's a multimillonaire. @_@ WTF! This fucking story is very confusing... To sum up this issue.. Money.
Bum street addicts ends up behind bars because of errants. Sordid politics that corrupts taxes. Ruined familes because of financial problems. Those rich hatchets pays Justice just to strip peace. Traitors who were tempted by assets. It's endless.
And so.. Money would always exist as our impish problem -- EVER.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Starving for Popularity
"Omg. Even in round table, messenger and any other sort of cyber communication, I'm always the topic! I like it!"
- Shut the fuck up! Don't you know they were just having fun being "you" as their main discussion. You suck coz you thought you stole their nerves.
"I'm always linked to other guys.. Gosh! I'm soo beautiful!"
- Nah! You're a bitch!
"Ahm.. Can't you see me? Am the only lassie who attended the jamboree!!"
- So do you want a title in Guinness Book of Record?
"Hey madam! Please interview me so that my name can be seen to your Official Site!"
- Wow! Effortless.
"Hail me please.. I'm unique! I know everything.."
- Aaaa Whaaat?!
Oopps... This is a sarcastic version. lol. So, if you'll gonna ask me if who is that girl that I'm referring to... Err. It's a blind item. I don't care if she'll be forayed. I guess I already fed her tru this kind of blog entry coz hell yeah ~ she's fucking starving for popularity.
I saved her slack soul!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Anything but Ordinary
(Feb 12 - 6pm) See the time I started to write this entry? It's 3am but I didn't know what to put on that's why I stopped typing then resume this draft today... 6:20pm. Lazy huh?! It seems like my mind was blocked. Fuck that. Sounds crazy. Annoying. I dun kno.
What the heck am I trying to point out? I said I'm just anything but ordinary. I sleep. woke up. open my computer. afk. take a bath. eat. brb. play online games. surf the net. check my blog. chat with my friends. talk to my boify over the phone. go to school. listen to professor's freakin castigation. hang out with classmates. go home. sleep. eat. skim notes. study lightly. computer.. That's all. Nothing Special with me. Everything's ordinary.
Wow. Nice. Omg. After 15 hours of skipping this draft... I can type now. Funny to think this is how I blog myself. Weird? Maybe yes. Maybe no. I dunno.
So far, It's foundation week in Adamson University. Irregular classes. I tend not to attend my classes because professors are busy in college - departments' activities. I'll waste my time standing by at school. It's good to take a rest at home and be a bum. lol. So, by Monday - back to regular class. I will see my distilled classmates and buckled professors. Shut up. lol.
However, I dumped myself on a street last time (4pm).. My knee is aching. I have a scratch.. ouch. I'm stupid coz I hurriedly turned back and ran -- and so I fell down.
Now, it's 6:35pm, night stalks again. Still boring. *yawning*
Friday, February 6, 2009
What Not To Do When Meeting Her Parents
So, I just copied some line to sum up the vid.
She maybe wild at the bar, naughty in a sack.. but in daddy's house, she's a good girl..
So here's some quick tips for making sure you can handle things right when you meet her parents.
1. Don't Hit on her MOM.
Don't treat her MOM like one of your Girl Friend.
Your Job is to be charming.. But excessive flirty is tacky..
Respectful handshake and Polite conversation.
2. Keep your hands to yourself.
Keep things as G-Rated.
3. Don't Bring up Controversial Topics
~ General Topics such as
4. Don't Complain about the Food.
~ Eat what you can and pretend that is good.
~ Compliment the cooking and Remember this is her Mom's table
5. Don't Undersell your Career